Once You Unplug The Machine, All The Scores Will Be Erased

October 5th, 2022

Implementing a save feature for our game seemed like a simple enough task. We needed to take the current state of the game, serialize it, then deserialize it later when a saved game is loaded. This seemingly small, but important, feature has raised many questions for our team as the game has grown. This post aims to explain the design choices that we’ve encountered when implementing a save game system.

Adding New Features

As we add new features to our game we need to ensure that we are able to save their states. Fortunately, Unreal provides easy-to-use tools for serializing saved data to disk, as well as deserializing that data. The main challenge we’ve faced is how this saved and loaded data is integrated into our game. A recent new feature is the addition of Aura skills, which can be described as a persistent area of effect skill that follows the position of the character using it. These Aura skills can produce numerous effects such as providing a stat boost to nearby allies, or even damaging enemies within its range.

The Cadet learns an aura type skill

Learning an aura skill

We already had a system in place for saving and loading the skill trees for each character in our game, but were lacking the ability to load the Aura skill’s area of effect component. The loading process for each character after implementing Aura skills is as follows:

  1. Spawn the character beside the caravan
  2. Spawn the weapons & armor the character uses
  3. Load the AI state
  4. Load the characters stats
  5. Load the skill tree
  6. Enable the character’s tick (meaning that the character will then be “on”)
  7. Add the character’s portrait and combat stance to their UI component
  8. Add the character’s currently selected skills to their UI component
  9. Spawn any game entities needed for the various possible Aura skills

Every time a new feature that requires saving and loading is added to our game, we extend this sequence. After this loading process, each character will then seek out any other game entities it needs to function.

When/How/What to Save

Ideally (maybe), someone playing our game would be able to save at any time. The game’s precisely saved state could then be loaded from the exact moment the save was created. As it turns out though, this is no easy task to implement. There may be myriad projectiles flying through the air, physics simulations being run, animations being run that can trigger various events, and many more small yet important details that would need to be captured when the game is saved.

Saving and loading the game in an exact moment also presents the interesting situation where a player could, unintentionally, save the moment before absolute catastrophe; thus, when loading the game the player immediately meets said catastrophe and loses. This situation may not be escapable due to the player not having enough time to avoid the problem after the game has loaded. A possible solution to this would be to allow numerous saves per individual game enabling the player to load an older save if their most recent save leads to a game-ending disaster. However, then we introduce the concept of “save scumming” (which isn’t necessarily a terrible thing) but we may find that this is an unwanted dynamic as development progresses. We need to further consider the tradeoffs of various saving approaches before we can settle on the best fit for our game.

Feel The Savings

Our game has a day/night cycle, the start of each new day could be an ideal time for saving. This would give players the chance to restart a day if everything goes awry, but this may result in too much time played between saves. We don’t want players to get discouraged if they need to restart a day. We could also try having multiple save points along the caravan’s path, with the possibility of saving multiple times per in-game day. Choosing a when and how to save seems to be full of tradeoffs:

If you only allow saving at specific times: The player may get frustrated with the lack of control, not to mention they may want/need to stop playing before a save point is met. The player may become discouraged when they lose and have to replay content. Implementation can be easier due to better developer control surrounding save conditions.

If you allow saving at any time: The sense of danger and risk may be lost. Players enjoy being able to control how long they play. Implementation will be challenging from having to record the minute details required when loading a save.

Since our game is in an alpha state, we have a temporary save system as follows:

  • The player can save at any time
  • Characters’ AI states, skill trees, and stats are saved
  • When loading the game, the characters are placed beside the caravan in a default position

There is still a lot of work to do regarding saving the level’s state, and a lot of decisions to made regarding what should be saved. We want to ensure that any defeated enemies stay defeated and that consumed resources do not reappear. This save system will be a work in progress for some time to come.

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